With the launch of my seventh book now more than a month behind me, it’s natural to wonder what I should be doing now. In books past, during the few weeks post-launch I would obsessively monitor sales ranking (It just hit #1,054 in Domestic Thrillers Featuring Killers With a Limp! What does that mean? Is that good?) and every new review posted on Goodreads (My God, I’m doomed. MamaBearReader47 hated the ending and she has dozens of followers).
But I’m a bit more zen about it all now. That’s not to say I’m not interested in the reviews and mentions I get on social and regular media, but I also believe it’s important to let go (you will see that expression in many of my books). Yes, I promote my book as much as I possibly can, but I don’t worry about the results, because they’re out of my control. When someone asks me how my book is doing, I honestly reply, “I dunno.” I’ll find out in six months when I get my first royalty statement.
So with my baby out in the wild, hopefully thriving, my attention returns to other things. Book #8 is out in less than a year and we’re finishing up copyedits (and I just saw the cover art for the first time. Holy shit, is it awesome). I’m in the midst of writing book #9 and am in that debilitating middle part where I’m not quite sure the best next direction. I’m knee-deep in my new interview series Making It Up and having a blast talking to some amazing writers. And I’m looking forward to spending a lot of time with friends and family this summer, especially since my very FIRST baby, my daughter, is headed out of state to start college in the fall.
So I’m working hard, planning, writing, learning, moving forward. But I’m also letting go, because that’s usually the best thing to do.
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Carter Wilson’s Making It Up Newly added episodes of my new interview series Making It Up are out! This month I chatted with USA Today bestselling thriller writer David Bell (Kill All Your Darlings), award-nominated author Sean Eads (Lord Byron’s Prophecy), and ITW Thriller Award-winner K.J. Howe (Skyjack). In addition to the personal, in-depth conversations, each episode features an impromptu short-story each guest and I craft together. All episodes are available on my YouTube channel and wherever you get your favorite podcasts. Check them out now here! |
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What I’m Watching So many things! Mare of Easttown (2021, HBO) – Did you have a good day? Are you smiling? Well, tune into any episode of this depression-inducing drama to hobble that spring in your step. If you can handle the constant misery of miserable lives, this series is indeed worth a watch, if for nothing else than Kate Winslow’s screen presence. Man, she’s just great. ![]() Bo Burnum: Inside (2021, Netflix) – The comedian’s last special, Make Happy, is one of my favorites, and I was happy to see something new from him. This is a different comedy special, having been written, produced, and shot by Burnum in pieces during quarantine. It’s original-music heavy, soaked in grief, and highly original. Not a lot of laugh-out-loud moments, but Burnum is one of the most creative comics around, so if you’re looking for something different, edgy, and a little bit out there, give this a watch. ![]() The First (Hulu, 2018) Well, in looking this up right now I just realized Hulu canceled this show after just one season. Jess and I just started watching it, and it doesn’t suck, but maybe it takes a bad turn. The series, set in 2031, follows a team of astronauts who prepare to become the first humans to visit Mars. A steady burn with decent focus on the character’s backstories, at least the first two episodes are worth your time. And holy hell, is Sean Penn ripped! ![]() |
Bits of New Writing A micro-sample from my work-in progress. |
Of all the stores in the mall the only one she didn’t care for was JCPenney. On that grand-opening day eight months ago, Penny’s mother had confessed with a twisted grin that Penny had, in fact, been named after the store. That she’d been conceived in a dressing room of the Watertown JCPenney’s back in 1965 after a drunken road-trip. It was the first time Penny heard that story. Nearly twenty-one years old, and never heard where her name came from. She’d only ever asked her mother once why she was named Penny, back when she was ten. The answer her mom gave was delivered without hesitation or even a touch of sarcasm.
Because you’re pretty much worthless.
Penny never asked again.
Photo of the Month Flashing back a couple of years to when I found this dude in a tree in my backyard. |
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Update from My Kids This lil’ genius is off to college! Ili will be attending Michigan State Honors College this fall, looking to major in psychology and criminal justice. After binging on Criminal Minds for the past year she has her sights set on exploring the dark inner thoughts of the sick and depraved. Makes a dad proud! |
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Update from My Cat My daughter took this pic of Guff, and I love it because it looks like he’s eight feet long. |
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Meme of the Month, Sent to Me by a Friend |
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Instagram Pic of the Month Featuring One of My Books |
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That’s it for now! See you next month. |
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