Well, hi!
This is Scully. Carter’s dog. I’ve been alive for two years and it’s awesome!
I’m in charge of the newsletter this month. Carter said he ran out of ideas, which is weird, because ideas are kinda his job. Does this mean we won’t be able to afford food? But anyway, I’m excited. It’s a big deal! The newsletter I mean. I’m not excited about running out of food. Carter said to write whatever I wanted. I reminded him I can’t write. He’s said to use AI. I said okay. Here we are!
He just yelled at me for using all these exclamation marks! I’m a Golden Retriever. We’re enthusiastic. It’s what we do. Squirrel! Sorry.
Life is good so far. It started out kinda weird. I had all these brothers and sisters and then they were gone. My mom was gone, too. I was just taken away. I guess I have a dad, but he bailed before I was born. Men, right?
I came to Carter’s house and spent my first few months peeing. Also awesome. Now I have a special place for that. It’s called Pee Palace, and it’s kinda gross. I found out in a dog’s life, most things are gross. But gross is awesome.
Carter has a voice for me. It sounds like a mix between Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade and Kevin from The Office. He does this voice all the time. I don’t think he realizes I can’t talk. I’m a dog.
There’s a cat here. I still don’t know his name. Sometimes he’s a jerk. Sometimes he cuddles. Mostly, he’s a jerk.
One time we drove all the way to Louisiana and back. I still don’t know why. The cat wasn’t part of it or anything.
That pretty much sums up my life so far. Funny, I thought it would take more space. Also, happy holidays. I found out I get presents for no reason. That kind of thing happens all the time around here. Also, food magically appears twice a day. It’s a pretty good deal.
This is me next to a snow bunny. I was scared of him at first, but then we became friends. He died. Rats!

This is Carter’s book. He told me it’s pretty cool. You know what’s cool? Snow bunnies! Until they’re dead. Then they’re wayyyy less fun. But still kinda fun.

This is a person from Instagram who wrote a nice thing about Carter’s book. Carter said to include it because if this book doesn’t sell a lot of copies, we’re going to run out of food. He talks about running out of food A LOT. I kinda think he’s messing with me. But I’m not sure.
I said I wanted an Instagram account. He said no. I think he’s worried I’d have more followers than him by the end of the first week. I would!

Carter talks to people on his computer. Sometimes I lie in the chair behind him when he does. It’s funny when I fart during this.
He wants you to know new episodes of Making It Up are out! Over the past month he chatted with:
- Jen Ruiz, author and travel blogger (she seems nice!)
- Libby Cudmore, mystery author (oooh…intriguing!)
- Edward Hamlin, fiction writer and composer of music for acoustic guitar (I had an idea for a song once but forgot it by the time I walked out of the room. All I remember is it started with “rowrowrooo, rowowo!”)
- Brad Parks, international bestselling author (that means he’s big in Liechtenstein).
All episodes are available on Carter’s website, his YouTube channel, and wherever you get your favorite podcasts.

This is where Carter’s going to be if you want to meet him and such. If you want to meet me, you have to come to my house or the dog park. That’s usually where I go. And sometimes, inexplicably, Louisiana.

On the Page
Ummmm…..I don’t read. But I can look at pictures, and I saw this book and it blew my mind. WHAT IS THAT????? Like, no one seems to think it’s weird he’s both big AND red. If I were that big the cat would never be a jerk to me again.
His Pee Palace must be HUGE.

On the Screen
John Wick

Photo of the Month
It’s me! Ili took this photo. I love the snow, unless it’s made of dead snow bunny.

Update from my Kids
This is Ili and this is the boy. Sometimes they show up and sometimes they’re just gone. Did I mention I never knew my father?

Update from my Pets
This is the cat I was telling you about. Look at him. That face. That stupid jerk face. He clawed Carter’s crotch right after this.

Humor of the Month sent to me by a friend
This is pretty stupid. I told my friend to send me better stuff next time. He said the dog looks like me. It doesn’t. This dog is also stupid.

Carter’s Next Unbound Writer Event! (another time I’ll be home alone. Sigh.)