Think of all the ways to spread an idea and you'll probably get a consensus that one of the most difficult ways is to write a novel. To express through character, emotion, and story that big idea you have. So many people tell me they've always wanted to write a book....

Death by Edits
A book comes alive in editing. Unfortunately, editing sucks.Editing is the time where you have face hard truths about your book, and as tempting as it is to tell yourself, ah, it's fine, the reality is without putting in serious post-first-draft work, your book will...
Typos are good for the soul.
You ever read a book and come across a typo and think, how the hell is that possible? We can land a man on the moon, but we can't blah dee blah blah blah... Of course you think this, because I've heard from you. You just HAVE to e-mail me and tell me, don't you? I've...
On killing your darlings.
January 2018 Fifteen years ago I started writing stories. What started as an exercise to stave off boredom during an eight-hour class became the foundation for my first novel. That manuscript never sold, so I kept writing. Manuscript number two went nowhere, as...
Writing a novel with Sharpies.
September 2017 Novel writing by Sharpie! This is the closest thing to outlining I've ever done. I was 40,000 words into something new and writing, as I usually do, from the seat of my pants. But then I got stuck, big time. So I bought some butcher paper and...