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The Comfort of Black We are just a month out from the release of THE COMFORT OF BLACK, and I'm very happy to announce that Publishers Weekly has given it a coveted "starred" review, calling it an "outstanding paranoid thriller." Publishers Weekly is the largest and most influential of the book trade journals, and they give starred reviews to approximately 10% of all the titles they review. (from the PW website: "A star says many things: that the book is special in its subject matter; superior in execution, ambition, and bravery; that it's highly readable; and that it convinces PW's reviewers and editors that it should be singled out in its category.") The full review can be found here.

I'm very excited for the launch, and I would love to have your support by pre-ordering a copy from any of the major online retailers or your local bookstore. The title will be released August 4th in hardcover and e-book. I've just received my author copies (shown here) and they look great!

The Comfort of Black

For more frequent updates on this and my other books, make sure to follow my Facebook fan page and Twitter account. Thanks for your time, and happy summer!


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